Look out, here they come!

On January 6th, what could possibly be coming that is garden related?  Well, if your name is on any mailing lists because you once ate a vegetable you  should start checking your mailbox for seed catalogs.  I’ve included a picture of some of the ones that I got last year and believe me, everyone wants your business!

It is hard to believe, but the garden season really is getting started now.  I actually find it very enjoyable to pour myself a glass of wine, settle in to a comfy spot and look through the catalogs.  (That last bit about settling in and looking through catalogs was totally unnecessary to write.  I could have stopped at “pour myself a glass of wine!)…anyway, let’s get back on topic.  This is where the dream begins.  What kind of tomatoes will I grow this year?  Where will I plant them?  In my imagination, it becomes a warm summer day, the garden is lush and green and abundant and the bitter cold day (current temp 15 degrees) becomes, well…a little less bitter and cold.

There are so many seed choices available, take the time and really consider what you want and what works best in your area.  I grew green beans last year that were not a hit with me and the family.  The string along the pod was a real turn off.  I know I’ve seen “stringless” varieties before so I will be on the lookout for those for this year.

I also try to grow something new every year.  Last year it was okra.  This year my options are still open.  As I look through the catalogs, I expect something will catch my eye.

A small portion of the seed catalogs I receive

A small portion of the seed catalogs I receive


Categories: Garden


  • Peg Yost says:

    From one of your most avid followers….. no nice to hear from you again! I especially liked the part where you enjoyed your wine while seed shopping! I would like to grow a garden here in Phoenix and I hear that we have two growing seasons, maybe this will be the year we actually do it!!

    • Well, now there is my favorite blog follower and mother-in-law! Yes, the blog is back up and running. Once the summer season ended, I took a few months off until after the holidays, but now I’m BACK!

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